
Australia Awards

Australia Awards

For more than 70 years, the Australian Government has supported the education of emerging leaders from developing countries, through the Colombo Plan in the 1950s to today’s Australia Awards. More recently, the New Colombo Plan is supporting Australian undergraduates to live, work and study in the Indo-Pacific. This two-way educational exchange underpins Australia’s bilateral relations with the region and the broader global community by building enduring institutional and people-to-people links.

Australia Awards contribute to the long-term objectives of promoting growth and stability in our region, as well as strengthening links between people and organisations to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation. They equip recipients with the skills and knowledge to drive change and contribute to the economic and social development of their own countries, in effect, building the human resource capacity of partner countries within mutually agreed development sectors.

All recipients of Australia Awards become part of the Australia Global Alumni, connecting them to Australia and to each other – building an engaged and influential global network of leaders and advocates, and establishing a network of ambassadors for Australia and its first-class education system.

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